Wednesday 7 January 2015

Writing in role - Halmburg

"I spoke to the suspect  today. He did not cooperate at all. The suspect has disfigured his own face, clearly to protect his identity. How could someone do that to themselves? The extent that this man has gone to in order to prevent further investigation is unimaginable. To pour sulphuric acid on yourself is insane.
He had some paper with Morse code on it. He clearly has someone to communicate with. I am certain we have the right man, no one uses Morse code unless they need to keep things secret. I need to investigate further."

I have written an extract from a diary entry from Police Commissioner Halmburg. This is to further explain the scene that occurs between Hakan and Halmburg at the beginning of Act 2. Halmburg knows that Hakan is involved in the murders, he's been discovered, disfigured facially, by an unconscious school student. However he cant be working alone, Halmburg knows this from the Morse code on the paper. He wishes to investigate things further, and Hakan's mocking nature in the scene, or at least from Halmburg's perspective, only provokes him to get aggressive towards Hakan, before leaving the room. 

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